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Thermograph N See heat patterns, temperature readings 200 3 Chr3
Basic Audio M Can have any options 500 1d6 Chr3
Scrambler N Cannot understand with out a descrambler 100 1 Chr3
Bug Detector N Detects bugs up to 3m. 60% effective 150 1 Chr3
Basic Limb CR Can have 2 options 1000 2d6 Chr3
RealSkinn Covering N Limb looks real. 70% effective (Diff Awareness) 200 -2 Chr3
Secret Compartment N 2" x 2" x 4" hidden compartment 100 1 Chr3
Tape Recorder N Records from connected source 200 1 Chr3
Limb Armor N Armors cyberlimb to SP 20 300 1 Chr3
Added Cyberlimb Strength N +1d6 damage; +6 Strength Feat if on all limbs 250 3 Chr3
Popup Gun N Gun size based on Body Type 200 1d6 Chr3
Cyberweapon N As cyberweapon, but half Humanity Cost 100% Eb 50% HC Chr3
Cyberclaws Large+ felines, bears, raptors only, +1d6 damage 300 2d6 Chr3
Cyberfangs Not for small animals, +1d6 damage 200 1d6 Chr3
External Weapon Harness BODY 2 min, size limit as Pop-Up Weapons 200 1d6 Chr3
Muscle and Bone Lace N +2 BODY 750 1d6/2 Chr3
SkinWeave N 12 SP, Diff 20 to spot 1000 2d6 Chr3
Grafted Muscle MA +1 BODY, max increase +2 1000/+1 2d6 Chr3
Information � R.Talsorian Games Inc, Ianus Publications Inc, John A Nephew, Temporal Statis Productions,
& Prometheus Press Inc. All rights reserved. Collated by Andrew James 05/01/02. ajames@node16.co.uk
Intrusion Str MU Cost (eb) Function From
Dwarf 3 3 230 Stronger version of Worm BB
Grubb 1 3 210 Weaker version of Worm BB
Hammer 4 1 400 2D6 to Data Wall STR, alerts programs within 10 spaces CP20
Jackhammer 2 2 360 1D6 to Data Wall STR CP20
Jap Water Torture 3 4 260 Min of 2 turns, each additional turn adds +1 STR (max 7) BB
Pile Driver 8 4 800 4D6 to Data Wall STR, alerts progs in 30 spaces, & Netwatch Chr3
Portal 2 6 750 Opens door in Data Wall, takes 3 turns, no alert NET
Ramming Piston 10 3 900 5D6 to Data Wall STR, "audible" to anything within 50 spaces BB
Sledgehammer 6 2 600 3D6 to Data Wall STR, alerts programs within 15 spaces Chr3
Termite 1 2 160 1D6 to Data Wall STR Chr1
Worm 2 5 660 Opens Data Wall in 2 turns, no alert CP20
Decryption Str MU Cost (eb) Function From
Codecracker 3 2 380 Opens Code Gates CP20
Cyfermaster 6 3 700 Stronger version of Raffles BB
Dupre 1-8 4 900 Opens Code Gates & File Locks Chr3
Lock 4 3 450 Opens Code Gates & File Locks, but can re-lock at Str 5 P1
Raffles 5 3 560 Opens Code Gates & File Locks CP20
Tinweasel 3 4 300 Sneaky decryptor BB
Wizard's Book 4/6 2 400 Opens Code Gates & File Locks CP20
Detection/Alarm Str MU Cost (eb) Function From
Bloodhound 3 5 700 Detects entry, traces, alerts master CP20
Bulldog 6 6 660 Detects entry, alerts master, disconnects intruder Chr1
Canis Major/Minor 4 5 610 Detect entry, alerts owner BB
Cry Baby 4 4 430 "Tags", adds 4 to traces when copied Chr3
Clairvoyance 4 4 720 SeeYa 3.0, detects and IDs Icons (+invisibles) within 2 subgrids Chr3
Data Raven 5 6 1000 Detects entry, traces, alerts master whenever target appears BB
Fang 4 6 1300 Detects entry, traces, disconnects target until destroyed BB
Fang 2.0 5 6 1600 Detects entry, traces, disconnects target until destroyed BB
Fetch 4.01.1 3 5 700 Detects entry, traces, alerts master BB
Guard-Dog 4 5 720 Invisible; detects entry, alerts master Chr1
Hidden Virtue 3 1 280 Detects "real" things in VR CP20
Hunter 5 5 900 Detects entry, traces, alerts master BB
Looking Glass 1-6 3 250+20/str Detects disguised Icons Chr3
Mouse 5 5 350 Creeps into forts and makes a record of what's inside BB
Netspace Inverter 3/5 4 540 Travels through a fort at 2 subgrids/turn IDing programs and files BB
Pit Bull 2 6 780 Detects entry, traces, disconnects target until destroyed CP20
Rex 3 6 1000 Detects entry, traces, disconnects target until destroyed BB
See Ya 3 1 280 Detects Invisible Icons CP20
Shadow 4 3 540 Degrades evasion programs Chr3
Smarteye 3 4 620 Detects progs within 10 spaces, IDs attack progs Chr1
Speedtrap 4 4 600 Detects attack programs within 10 spaces CP20
Watchdog 4 5 610 Detects entry, alerts owner CP20
Anti-System Str MU Cost (eb) Function From
Asp 4 2 800 Kills cyberdeck interface BB
Cascade 7 4 900 Erases 2D6 MU of random memory Chr3
Cascade II 3 2 800 20% chance that program changes. Decks chose new prog/turn BB
Clown 3 5 1130 Disrupts data transmission, progs are -1 STR, 'runners -1 Initiative BB
DecKRASH 4 2 600 Crashes 'deck for 1D6 turns CP20
Feedback 4 3 960 Kills deck's interface and "jams" 'runner plugs I1.3
Flatline 3 2 570 Kills cyberdeck interface CP20
Fragmentation Storm 4 3 1000 Kills system RAM BB
Grid Wave 7 8 20,000 Distorts I-G algorithms Chr4
HellBurner 6 5 1000 Destroys target CPU Chr3
Krash 3 2 570 Crashes closest CPU for 1D6+1 turns CP20
Murphy 3 2 600 Causes system to randomly activate programs CP20 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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