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brow. I know now, he whispered, shivering to contain his urge for just a few seconds
longer. That I have always loved ye, before I even knew ye existed.
She parted her lips to answer, tell him she understood what he meant, that she had
felt it too, and saw that their lives, all the heartache and pain and loss of their past, was
meant to happen so that this very moment could exist. But her words were stopped short
by a thrust into her body, drawing her breath sharply between her teeth and tipping her
chin so it flinched into his throat, and all she could manage was to sigh delight as the
waves of his lovemaking washed over her again and again.
He held her face so he could watch her expression. His moans heightened when
her eyes widened, and they rocked together, her whole body gyrating to the methodical
rhythm of his love. Ceitag, his lips moved, but no sound uttered forth.
Kate drew her knees up against his sides, arching her hips towards his growing
furor. Her claws slashed to the soft flesh of his buttocks demanding he lurch harder and
faster and deeper.
He reared up, locking his elbows, thrusting only his hips, concentrating his full
strength now to one section of his body, that one place from which energy manifested
into power and power to the pursuit of bliss.
She saw the birth of his final cry begin between the mounds of muscle on his
chest. It moved to his throat and his mouth opened to acknowledge the small burst still
deep within but rising quickly. His jaw dropped as it lifted, vibrating the cords of his
neck, straining through his voice box into a strangled release.
Hypnotized by the pleasure he found within her, she startled suddenly with her
body s growing flutter and as the sensation rocked her she folded up into his chest,
clutching his shoulders as if she could convey her own ecstasy into his by total bodily
contact. Her jolt was the last passage he needed and with what sounded an agonizing cry
for redemption he fell, throwing her back into the bed, legs wrapped around his hips,
bouncing small circles to welcome and hold what his body pumped into hers.
His torso continued to struggle to calm, expanding and contracting as he gasped
out one breathless word, Ceitag.
A thin covering of sweat glistened on Alex s body, culminating in tiny drops on
his forehead, a few of which sought paths over his brow or under his hairline. Kate
kissed the saltiness and cradled his slowing pulsations, although neither made any move
to unlock from the other.
This keeps getting better and better, he smiled in satisfaction. Finding the
strength to pull his chest from her flattened breasts, he again peered into her face, this
time not with lust-laden eyes but with glimmering success. Ye do that to me again, ye ll
be a widow before I have the chance to wed ye.
Kate hadn t felt her face fall but Alex saw it happen. He pulled up, but not
quickly enough. In a flash she had her elbow raised, a soft thud of bone into bone as it hit
his jaw. There wasn t space for her arm to gather speed so the blow was far from hard.
The effect of the act, however, was just as shocking.
What did ye do that for? Alex exclaimed, confusion in both his voice and
expression. Rolling over on the bed he rubbed the slight discoloring of flesh.
Kate bolted upright. Don t even joke about something like that! she cried.
That s not the least bit funny.
What? Getting married or being a widow? He wasn t about to let her escape.
Both hands were firmly holding her wrists as he crouched beside her.
Either. Both. Nothing. Defeat edged perilously close to depression.
Consumed with Alex and his world of mystery, she had managed to forget about the
pathetic occurrences that had recently plagued her personal life--especially her fianc� and
the way he had ditched her after passionate commitments were exchanged. Even the hint
of marriage caused those painful memories to surface, breaking out in a short fit of
violence. Kate knew she hadn t hurt Alex with her striking out, nor did she want to, but
that wasn t the point. She should never have taken her feelings of inadequacy out on the
one man who was showing true affection. I m sorry, she sighed, running her fingertips
over the stubble edge of his jaw. I have a past, too. Maybe not quite as dramatic as
yours, but I was hurt, and the very mention of& .
Nay, Ceitag. He tipped her chin so she had to look him full in the face. A lot
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