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that Jake
Lundy was the father of Reesa s older child not that that had anything to do
with Viktor s feelings about the man, of course.
When Viktor approached the group his father paused in his lecture long enough
to give him a combination of a welcoming nod and a peremptory gesture to take
a seat. Viktor sat near enough to Reesa so that she could talk to him if she
wanted to, yet far enough away that he wasn t obviously seeking conversation.
She gave him a quick, absent smile and returned to the lesson.
Viktor s father wasn t looking well. Though his artificial limb was a
high-tech device as close to the real thing as any machine could be, he limped
as he moved around the teaching machine, and his voice was hoarse as he
explained the natural sequence of star types Hertzsprung and Russell had
described centuries earlier. It seemed to Viktor that the old man s hands were
shaking, too. But he paid attention to the lecture, and when it was finished
and Pal Sorricaine asked for questions, Viktor s hand shot up.
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 What s this about space piloting? he demanded.
The dozen students grinned tolerantly at him.
 If you d stay around Homeport you d know these things, Viktor, Pal said.
 We ll have rocket fuel soon, from the gas-liquefying plants they re building
for the freezers. The council decided weeks ago that as soon as
New Argosy arrives we ll start space exploration again. So I
volunteered to give a refresher course on astrophysics, for anyone who wants
to try for astronaut training.
 Why astrophysics, though? Viktor asked his father.  I mean, why not
something useful,
Frederik Pohi
like navigation? It seemed to him a natural and harmless question, but his
father scowled.
Pal rubbed his lips.  It s my course, Viktor, he said, his voice hostile.  If
you don t want to take it, go away.
Unexpectedly, a female voice spoke up.  But I think your son is right, Pal,
the woman said, and stood up on the far side of the crowd. It was Ibtissam
Khadek, looking older than Victor remembered her, and quite determined.  We
know that your personal interest is in such things as theoretical cosmology
and your so-called Sorricaine-Mtiga objects, she went on, looking around for
support,  but for most of us here, what we want is to go into space.
To explore this whole solar system, of which we know so little and to do it
now, please. In my case, before I am too old to be accepted for a ship s
Pal Sorricaine looked astonished, and then resentful, and then surly.  There s
nothing to keep you from starting a course of your own, Tiss, he pointed out.
The astronomer shook her head.  We shouldn t be competing, she said sweetly.
 We should be working together, don t you think? For instance! When my
grandfather first described this system, he of course marked Enki  how like
the woman, Viktor thought, to insist on calling familiar Newmanhome by its
Babylonian name!  as the most habitable planet, but he specifically listed the
brown dwarf, Nergal, as the one most important to observe. It s our plain duty
to take a good look at it, for the sake of science!
 We re looking at Nergal all the time, Pal Sorricaine protested.  We ve got
millions of pictures.
Ark s instruments are covering it routinely.
 I am not speaking of routine,
Khadek cried.  I am speaking of a dedicated mission.
 But why Nergal? Jake Lundy put in.  For that matter, why don t we look at
Nebo? I
think that s even more interesting, because we all know it s been changing!
Your grandfather said it had almost no water vapor in its atmosphere, but now
it s so clouded we can hardly see the surface why is that?
 You are right, Tiss Khadek conceded graciously.  Of course we should do
both. But, I
think, Nergal first after all, it is the first brown dwarf anyone has had the
chance to observe.
Viktor started to open his mouth to get into the discussion, but Reesa s warm
hand pulled him toward her.  Look what you ve started! she whispered, while
the argument raged around them.  Why did you come here?
 I ve got as much right to be here as you do, he whispered hotly back, and
then was compelled to add,  Anyway, I was looking for you. I, uh, I thought
I d spend a little time with
Yan today. I mean, it s my birthday.
 Of course it is, she said testily. She looked at him closely, then nodded.
Page 53
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 I m going back to feed the kids as soon as this is over, then I ll bring them
back up here for the fireworks and the dancing . . . if you want to come. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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