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 Voc� � deliciosa, he whispered against the tasty flesh.
The next task was to unzip her skirt. He tugged it past her hips until it fell to the floor. She stood
before him in only a pair of sheer black panties. The damn thing was see-through. He could see the
cluster of curls between her legs.
Holding his gaze, Sabrina hooked her thumbs in the sides and pushed the thong down to her feet.
Kicking it out of the way, she whispered,  Your turn, but I want to undress you.
She unbuttoned his shirt and ran her hands over his hard chest. He caught the back of her head
and kissed her again, sucking her tongue between his lips. It was erotic, breath stealing. She could almost
come from his masterful kisses.
Pressing her hand against his chest, Sabrina pulled back. Fully aware of her own power, she circled
behind him and pulled the shirt down his arms, tossing it aside with the same lack of care she did her
Overwhelmed by the thought that this magnificent body had protected her only hours before, she
plied his skin with kisses, the compact muscles bunching under her lips.
 You know what to do to me, don t you? he asked in a gruff, pained voice.  You know how to
drive me out of my mind.
Her hands trailed down his broad back and around his narrow waist to stroke the distended front
of his pants. He groaned like a man in pain and his head fell back.  Sabrina.
She loved the sound of his voice, how it grew thick when he was aroused, his accent becoming
more pronounced. She stepped around in front of him again and tongued the flat nipples nestled in the
light sprinkling of hair on his chest. They tightened, and Renaldo drew a harsh breath.
Sabrina felt the power of being a woman, with the ability to make this strong man weak. She
undid his pants and reached in to hold his engorged flesh in her hands. It was heavy and hot, and she
couldn t wait to feel him drive between her legs. She squeezed and caressed, the thought of him claiming
her made her groan mingle with his, sending a shiver down her spine.
 Enough. Suddenly impatient, he pushed away her hands.  On the bed.
She quickly obeyed his command, and he removed the rest of his clothes before he joined her
there. Sabrina opened her arms and legs, offering herself to him, loving him with everything inside of
her heart, body, and soul.
He came down on top of her. Immediately, his fingers, tongue, and lips worked her into a frenzy
of need. He thumbed her rigid nipples, making her become shockingly alert. His hand moved down her
ribs, seeking the thatch of dark curls between her hips. When he found it, she arched into his caress,
desperate, sighing with pleasure as he dipped his fingers into the slick heat.
While his fingers stayed busy, his tongue licked the underside of her breast and his teeth nibbled
at the soft skin.
 Please, she whispered, trying to guide his mouth to her nipples, begging him to pull one into his
 This is what you want. His breath feathered across the straining peaks. He knew very well what
she wanted, but he wouldn t give it to her. He flicked his tongue across the tips, teasing, drawing out the
torment.  Hmm& ?
Sabrina let out a cry of frustration.  No. Suck. Please. She pulled his head down and arched her
body up to him.
She was so hot, so out of control, that when he sucked her breast into his mouth and gently bit
down, pleasure shot straight to her loins. Her hips shot up off the bed and his fingers plunged deeper
inside of her. He pumped them in and out. She clutched onto his head and exploded. Wave after wave
of pleasure rocked her. She panted, gasping his name and grinding her hips into his hand until the
powerful reaction subsided.
Her breathing had just returned to normal when Renaldo curved an arm behind her knee and
lifted her left leg. The swollen head of his erection pressed to the wetness between her thighs before his
powerful body seized hers. At their joining, a tortured moan escaped her throat, and the juices of her
arousal eased the way as he began to move with deep, hard strokes. They stared into each other s eyes.
Each thrust jerked her back on the bed, and her body trembled at the pleasure he delivered, clasped him,
dragging him deeper into the satin walls.
The feverish arch of her neck was a temptation Renaldo couldn t resist. He traced the length of it,
alternating between moist kisses and tender flicks of his tongue. Dipping his head lower, he showered
her breasts with attention that caused them to ache and tingle all over again. His tongue licked, and his
lips sucked, inflicting a sensual torment on the tender nipples as he continued to move inside of her.
Her arms wound around his neck.  Yes&  She held on tight, the provocative motion of skin
against skin escalating the pleasure.
Sabrina s mouth moved to his throat, tasting his skin and running her hands across his broad
back. She massaged the hard muscles, moving lower to grip his buttocks as pressure mounted inside of
her. He never failed to satisfy, and she knew it wouldn t be long before she was crying out his name
Renaldo placed his thumb on the knot of nerves at her feminine core, circling and rubbing and
sending her excitement spiraling higher. She made small, helpless sounds until she could no longer stand
it. The clitoral stimulation created a strangle hold on her vocal chords. She was unable to breathe,
unable to make a sound, until the orgasm powered through her, forcing the air from her lungs and her
body to shudder. Raw, unadulterated pleasure tore a cry from her throat.
His hips bucked relentlessly against hers as she rode out the storm, her muscles contracting to
hold him prisoner. He reached the pinnacle and grunted, her name a pained sound on his lips, his breath
flitting over her collarbone. Their bodies shuddered against each other in a mutual climax.
Afterward, they held on tight. Neither wanting to let go.
Sabrina was alone in the bed. When her eyes adjusted to the dark, she turned over and saw
Renaldo seated in the chair. He was still naked, and he was looking at her. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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