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"But," Simon said, his voice sour, "I'll take you there provided neither one of you ever mentions the bed
incident to me or anyone else. Ever."
Caledonia blushed. "I am so sorry for that. But I did wash your eyes out. Do they still burn?"
Simon's face turned the color of Caledonia's hair, though whether from anger or embarrassment, Sin
couldn't tell.
When Simon spoke, his voice was colder than a snowstorm in January. "They are fine. Thank you,
milady, for your kindness."
Sin mounted his horse, then reached his hand down to Caledonia. Her eyes relieved, she grabbed on to
him and he noticed the tiny bones of her hand. The softness of her touch. He'd never felt anything like her
delicate hand in his.
He pulled her up to ride before him and turned his attention to Simon. "Where are we bound for?"
"On the way back yesterday, I was telling the boy about the sweets at the Unicorn Maiden. I even
showed him where the shop was located and he said he would give anything to see the pastries and
cockapies. I have a feeling he might have gone there. Though why I should bother rescuinghim I'll never
know. I swear my head still throbs from the little demon."
Callie felt heat sting her face. "He didn't mean to hit you, Simon. I swear that part of it was an accident."
He gave her a droll glare that told her he didn't believe a word of it.
Callie didn't say anything as they rode toward the bakery. Jamie knew better than to leave her side. He'd
never done anything this foolish in his life and she couldn't imagine what had possessed him.
And the lad had best be in trouble when they found him. If not, she was going to throttle his young life
right out of him.
It didn't take long to retrace her steps to the corner where Jamie had vanished. Simon led them a few
yards over to a small bake shop, where an old woman was leaving with a basket full of bread.
As they approached the store, Callie saw the squirrel Simon had mentioned and she recognized the small
face staring out the window, scanning the passersby, and noted the smile of extreme jubilation as its large
blue eyes focused on her. He was obviously as glad to see her as she was to see him.
"Oh, Blessed be St. Mary," she whispered.
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Relief tore through her as she slid from the horse and ran inside the store to her brother. He'd been close
by the entire time, but without the men, she'd never have known to look here.
Tears ran down her cheeks again as she swept him into her arms. "Little runt," she breathed. "You
scared me."
"I'm sorry, Callie." He pulled back and showed her the honey bread in his hand. "I thought we'd be
needing something to eat for the journey. You've had nothing all day."
Her hand trembled as she took the bread from him. "I would much rather starve than lose you."
"I'm sorry, Callie. I never meant to scare you. I was just hungry."
Sin swallowed at the sight of their reunion. At the love the two of them had for each other.
The boy looked up at Simon. "I wanted to buy the swan pastries you told me about, but the baker's wife
said I didn't have enough coin for that." He looked back at his sister. "You like pastries."
While she kissed his cheek and assured herself the demon was hale, Sin paid for enough swan pastries
to make the rapscallion's belly ache.
Callie looked up as Lord Sin handed her brother his purchase. "Thank you for your kindness."
By the expression on his face, she could tell her words made the knight terribly uncomfortable.
As they left the shop and headed back to the castle, Callie realized she wasn't going to make it home. At
least not alone. She'd been fooling herself even to think it. Worse, she'd almost lost the one person who
meant the most to her in the world.
Dear saints what if they hadn't found Jamie? What if he had gotten hurt or killed or&
It would have been all her fault. She closed her eyes as pain swept through her. The last thing she
wanted was to tell Morna she'd let something happen to Jamie. It would be the death of the poor woman
who had been a mother to her as well.
Nay, she'd take no more chances with his safety.
But then what was she to do?
Her thoughts turned to the man who would be her husband. Could she trust him?
For an Englishman, he seemed reasonable enough. As did Simon.
Perhaps, if she allowed them to go home with her, her clan might see that not all Englishmen were
beasts. Perhaps they could win them over&
What are you? Daft? Get your head out of the dream world, lass, and put it on earth where it
belongs. There's little to no chance of the MacNeelys ever accepting an Englishman into their
It was a long shot, no doubt, but it was the only one she could see.
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If she married Sin, they could go home safely.
Like it or not, she would submit to this marriage and trust in the Lord above to see her through it and to
know what was best. Surely it must be His will, otherwise she and Jamie would have succeeded by now
and been on their way home. This day had been an omen, and Callie believed wholeheartedly in omens.
Tomorrow Sin would be her husband.
She watched Sin mount his horse. He slid gracefully into the saddle like the born warrior he was and sat
proudly on the back of his horse with his long hair shining in the daylight. He was a fine sight there,
handsome, strong. The kind of man a woman dreamed about at night and hoped to see just once in the
And he could be hers&
The hand he extended to her was both powerful and tender. He might not be her first choice for
husband, but there was kindness in him. Fairness, too.
If only he were of Scots blood.
Still, there were far worse men to be married to.
"Milord?" she asked as he settled her before him. "What will you do to my people when you take me
Sin clenched his teeth at her question. The very idea of returning to Scotland made him ill. If he had his
way about it, he'd never again venture there.
Of course, he did have his brothers there, and while he was with her, he would make a point of seeing
them. They alone made the idea of leaving England tolerable.
"I will ensure Henry's peace is kept," he told her. "So long as your men refrain from raiding his people, I
will do naught." What he didn't tell her was that he intended to find the so-called Raider, put an end to the
man's mischief, then get himself out of their marriage as quickly as possible.
But even as the thought swept through his mind, he became aware of the woman before him. The way
she smelled and felt in his arms. She was warm and soft, a gentle balm to soothe him.
He'd never held a woman like this. Never even dared hope for any kind of comfort in his life.
Comfort. He sneered at the word. Comfort was for weak-minded fools. He didn't need it and he damn
sure didn't want it.
He would do what he had to for Henry's sake and then he would be back to fulfill his oath of loyalty.
That was his life and he had no desire for it to change. He had fought too long and hard for his peace of
mind to let this little bit of baggage in his lap come along and rattle him.
"So," he said quietly as he looked down at her. She had her head tilted to study his hands. "You're going
through with this marriage, then?"
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