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last, to protrude from the knuckles past the fingertips. Black leather covered all down to
the ankles, which had been encased in hard black boots up to the calves. A final look in
the mirror would have revealed nothing but a Goth clubber to the untrained eye, but a
killer now stood before the silver and glass.
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Taryn Blackthorne
Once all preparations had been made, the words chanted, the proper petitions sent,
the way was made to the bait. A careful threading through the obstacles, dormant for
now, was made.
In the pool the bait lay on a roughly constructed stage. A living altar, as it were,
chained and gagged and ready for sacrifice. Kneeling over the bait, watching as the eyes
widen at the hunter s Changed appearance was enjoyable. Waiting for the prey was not.
At the appointed hour, the police would be called; the plan would be set in motion. All
would be successful if properly followed.
It was with great dismay, therefore, that the sound of a truck coming up the drive
was heard. The prey was, unfortunately, early.
72 www.samhainpublishing.com
Even for Me
Chapter Seventeen: Aislyn
The trail was almost glowing in front of me. By the time I d gotten out of the city,
I d lost most of the busier street traffic. I m sure there was some sort of APB out on me,
and I probably should have been on the lookout for state police, especially once I reached
I-25, but I had to trust that whatever luck had gotten me out of the police station without
being seen was going to keep riding me.
On the highway, I gave over most of my thinking to the cat. She& I saw things I
couldn t have seen otherwise. I whipped in and out of traffic, avoided collisions that
human reflexes couldn t have. And the trail in front of me superimposed itself onto the
road. I could see the line that connected Jackson and me like a thin thread, leading the
way as I came along behind and gathered it up into myself.
I growled in frustration as the Mouse Trap loomed before me. The trail left off the
County Line Road exit. I pulled back from the cat enough to begin feeling around the
truck. A catch, imperceptible to human touch unless you knew it was there, lifted the
passenger seat to reveal a small cache of weapons. Silver throwing daggers gleamed in
the passing street lamp s glow, as well as a small 9mm with shimmering ammo clip. I
loaded the gun and tucked it into my back waistband. A couple of the knives went,
sheathed, into a few belt loops up front. There were vials of some liquid and instinct told
me to tuck those into my pockets as well, so I did. I closed the seat up and put both hands
on the wheel, watching the traffic peter out and the trail become more solid. I was getting
closer. Ghost Cat was close.
I slowed down as the dawn light started to confuse my eyes. I shifted back to mostly
human, the better to see with at this point of the day. The trail pulled into a ranch up the
road. The sign overhead announced the Lay-Z Ranch in dilapidated lettering. The fence
was broken and the place looked like it had run aground years ago. A For Sale sign hung
just off the side. I pulled up the long driveway to the two buildings left standing, an old
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Taryn Blackthorne
farm house and a two-story high storehouse of some kind. I parked the truck a ways back,
trying to hide the fact that I was alone and got out. The trail led to the storehouse.
There was no chance that I hadn t been heard coming up the drive, but I walked
silently towards the propped-open doors and the darkness inside. I must have been within
fifteen yards when a single shot rang out and the fire started. It lit up the open doors like a
Christmas tree; the smoke and light effectively blocked what was behind it from view.
The cat shied away but I grabbed hold and got as close to the way in and heat as I could
stand. Gathering my legs underneath me, I jumped, cleared the fire, and had a split
second to cough through the smoke before crashing painfully into rodeo fencing. Shit. So
much for making a silent entrance.
I fought free of the metal to clear ground and turned to face the center of the [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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