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all of these people get safely out of here. They're not out of the woods yet.'
Without waiting, he and Litve went on to Failsafe Control.
With frightened people hurriedly filing past them, they stood in the corridor
and banged on the metal door.
Luchov's voice, shrill, terrified, came through to them: 'Who is it? What's
'Viktor?' Khuv answered. 'It's me, Khuv. Open up.'
'No, I don't believe you. I know who you are. Go away!'
Khuv glanced at Litve. Then he guessed what had happened. Agursky had been
here. He banged again on the door. 'Viktor, it me!'
Source.htm (242 of 252) [2/13/2004 10:15:03 PM]
Then where's your key?' All of the listed Failsafe Duty Officers had keys to
this room.
Litve still had Khuv's keys. He took them from a pocket and handed them over.
Luckily, Khuv hadn't thrown the Failsafe key away with the others down in the
Now the Major turned the key in the lock, pushed the door open - and at once
gasped and stepped back!
Luchov stood there, eyes bulging, veins pulsing in the seared half of his
head, aiming the hot muzzle of a flamethrower straight into Khuv's straining
face. 'God!' he gasped, lowering the weapon to point at the floor. 'It you!'
He staggered back, collapsed into his swivel chair in front of the TV screens.
He was a wreck. A trembling, panting, completely terrified wreck. Khuv
carefully took the flame-thrower from him, said: 'What happened, Viktor?'
Luchov gulped, started to talk. As he proceeded some of the wild, frightened
look went out of his eyes. 'After you left, I ... I started to phone. Half the
lines were out. But I
got the guards on the entrance, in the ravine, and told them about Agursky.
Then I got through to half-a-dozen other numbers, too, and passed on the
message. I said everyone should evacuate, but as quietly as possible. Then it
dawned on me how crazy that was. Agursky was out there somewhere and he'd see
them leaving. He'd know the game was up and God only knows what he'd do! I
managed to raise the military and told them to see to the evacuation, also to
hunt Agursky down. I said the phones were out of order and that they should
alert all the people I couldn't reach. I spoke to everyone I could, but so far
I haven't been able to reach the core.'
Khuv and Litve glanced at the screens. All looked normal down there; faces
were strained and nervous, but there was no sign of any unusual activity.
'What about
Agursky?' Khuv asked. 'Did he come here?'
Again Luchov gulped. 'God, yes! He came, knocked on the door, said he had to
speak to me. I told him I couldn't let him in. He said he knew I knew about
him and he could explain. He said if I didn't let him in he would do something
terrible. I said if I did I knew he'd kill me. Then he said that he knew we
planned to burn him, but that he was going to burn us - all of us! In the end
he went away; but I thought:
if he kills any one of the Failsafe Duty Officers, and takes his key . . .
'I had an automatic, but I knew that those two dead soldiers hadn't been able
Page 249
ABC Amber Palm Converter, http://www.processtext.com/abcpalm.html
to stop him with their guns. So I waited a little while, sneaked out and took
the nearest flame-
thrower. I came back and just as I was letting myself in . . .oh, Jesus.
'He showed up?' Khuv took the other's elbow.
'Yes,' Luchov nodded, gulped. 'But you should see him, Khuv! It's not Agursky.
1 don't know what it is, but it isn't him!'
All three men exchanged glances. 'How do you mean, "not him"?' Litve asked,
sure that he wouldn't like the answer.
'His face!'
Luchov's lips trembled and he shook his head disbelievingly. 'It's all wrong;
and his head, the wrong shape. The way he moves - like a great sly animal.
Anyway, he came at me at the run, loping toward me. He didn't have his dark
glasses on and his eyes were red as blood, 1 swear it! I got inside, slammed
the door and somehow managed to turn the key. And outside ... he was a madman!
He raved and threatened, hammered on the door. But eventually he went away
Khuv shuddered. The whole thing was like a nightmare, getting worse all the
time. Then Luchov's phone rang, causing all three men to start violently. Khuv
reached the phone first, snatched it from its cradle. 'Yes?'
'Corporal Grudov, at the entrance, sir,' an excited, tinny voice sounded.
'Agursky, he was here!'
'What?' Khuv crouched over the phone. 'Did you see him? Have you killed him?'
Source.htm (243 of 252) [2/13/2004 10:15:03 PM]
'We shot at him, sir, but kill him? I'm sure we must have hit him, but he
seemed to ignore us! So we went after him with a flame-thrower.'
'But you didn't get him? Where is he now, outside?' Khuv held his breath. He
knew that Agursky mustn't escape.
'No, he ducked back inside. We burned him a little, I think.'
'You think?'
'It all happened so very quickly, sir.'
Khuv thought fast. 'Are the people out yet?'
'Most of them, but they're still coming. I've called up trucks from the
barracks, else they'd all freeze out here.'
'Good man!' Khuv sighed his relief. 'Now listen: let everyone out except [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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