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Apparently, what they‟d done was out of Trevor‟s system with that one night and morning. He
shrugged. “Maybe I will. You‟re right. He‟s got a good body and face.”
Trevor said nothing. Craven noticed his cock wasn‟t sitting right in his pants, so he adjusted
it. Being this close to Trevor had some affect. While he shifted it around, from the corner of his
eye, he caught Trevor tightening his hands into fists.
Craven turned to leave, but Trevor stopped him with a hand on his arm. “We can have an
open relationship. That is if you want to fuck again,” he blurted.
Open. Pain ravaged Craven‟s heart. He cleared his throat. “Yeah, sure.”
He would have moved on, but Trevor jerked him around until they were chest to chest. Not
missing a beat, Trevor leaned in and slanted his mouth across Craven‟s. His tongue parted
Craven‟s lips, wrenching a gasp from him. Craven lost himself in Trevor‟s kiss forgetting where
he was. He pressed in closer and reached around to grab Trevor‟s ass. He squeezed and stroked it
while grinding his cock into Trevor‟s. His lover moaned in his mouth. Anyone could open the
door and catch them, but Craven didn‟t care. All he wanted was more of Trevor.
After a few moments, Trevor drew back panting. He cupped Craven‟s face, his eyes dark with
need. “I want to fuck you right here and now.”
Craven caught his hands when he seemed about to make good on his words. “We can‟t. You
know that.” Trevor tugged, but Craven flexed his muscles to hold him still. He might be strong in
his own right, but Trevor was stronger. If he wanted, he could put Craven on the wall and do what
he liked. The thought of that almost made Craven let go.
“Tonight,” Trevor said in his ear, and he kissed along Craven‟s jaw. “You‟re going to let me
feel what it‟s like to have that ball on my cock while you lick me.”
Craven knew he‟d have to make another adjustment to his pants. “Whatever you want.”
They returned to the table in silence. Connie looked from one to the other, and as soon as
Craven took his seat, John scooted closer to him. He clenched his jaw and gave his order in a
clipped tone before handing the menu to the waitress. John put his hand on Craven‟s and leaned
in close to him.
“So what about it?” he asked. “Dinner? My treat?”
Craven cut his eyes briefly to Trevor and found him talking animatedly with Connie. He just
caught himself from sighing and nodded. “Yeah, sure. Thursday good? I have work Friday and
John agreed and Craven sat mostly in silence while the other three talked. John kept trying to
draw him into the conversation, until Trevor said, “Craven‟s not one for conversation in a group,
even if he knows them well. He‟s more of a one-on-one man.”
To Craven‟s surprise, this seemed to annoy John. He saw jealousy flash in his eyes. “You
know him best, huh?”
“I‟ve known him for years,” Trevor admitted. “He‟s my best friend.”
John put his hand in Craven‟s and held on. “Well, I plan on getting to know him well too.”
“Well, this has been an interesting dinner so far.” Connie laughed. Craven wasn‟t sure what
she meant by her comment, but he agreed. If he didn‟t know better, he‟d say the dinner had
amounted to a tug o‟ war between Trevor and John with him in the middle. But if Trevor wanted
him for himself, he wouldn‟t have suggested they have an open relationship. Remembering still
hurt, so he was glad when Connie suggested they leave after dinner. “I don‟t think I want dessert.
What about you guys?”
“No, I have to watch my figure,” John said.
Trevor and Craven muttered “no” without the embellishment, and they stood up to go after
Connie settled the check and tip.
Later to John‟s disappointment, they dropped him off first, and Craven ignored the man‟s
attempt to get him to walk together to the door. Craven began to regret his decision to have dinner
with him. He wasn‟t interested in anyone other than Trevor, but to have agreed to an open
relationship with him left Craven in a weird position. He didn‟t know how he‟d get over his
feelings if every now and then they had sex.
Back home, Craven went to his room and pulled off his clothes. He showered and wrapped a
towel around his waist. He had no idea how Trevor wanted to handle things. He hadn‟t mentioned
letting Connie know about them. When he didn‟t get a knock on his door, he laid across the bed
to watch TV. And then he flipped through a magazine. He must have dozed because he was
startled awake at a knock on the door.
“Yeah,” he called.
“It‟s me.” Connie stuck her head in the door. “I‟m going to bed, but I wanted to say thanks for
tonight, and I hope it works out with you and John. You seemed a little tense, but I guess it‟s like
Trevor said, you‟re not good with groups. Of course, that boggles my mind because you get on
stage with no problem.”
Craven tossed the magazine to the side. “When I‟m on stage, it‟s me and my music. I‟m
alone.” There was more to it, but he didn‟t feel up to sharing it, and he didn‟t really think Connie [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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