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Brown is good for protection, for magick concerning animals and especially
household pets, for locating lost objects, learning new skills, for the home,
property, practical matters, security and having enough resources for one's needs.
It is also the colour of all who work with their hands.
Brown is also the colour of Mother Earth and the Earth spirits and so is good for
environmental matters and conservation, especially as an impetus for practical
conservation projects. Brown is good for grounding rituals.
Brown candles are best used on Saturday.
Grey is ruled by Saturn and by Mercury, some say, when he becomes invisible in the
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Grey is used primarily for neutralising or erasing negative energies or feelings.
It is the shade of compromise and adaptability, of lowering one's profile in times
of danger, and offers protection against both physical and psychic attack. It is a
colour for keeping secrets and for smoothing down potential conflict and keeping
one's counsel when to do otherwise would be unwise.
Grey candles are best used on Wednesday when Mercury cannot be seen and on
Another colour of Saturn and also the kings of the Underworld - the Roman Pluto,
the bestower of the hidden wealth that lay within the Earth, and the Greek Hades,
who abducted Persephone (Proserpine), thus causing winter.
Black is the colour not only of death, but also of regeneration. This belief goes
back to Ancient Egypt when the annual flooding of the Nile carried with it black
silt, which brought new life to the land each year.
In magick, black is the colour of endings that carry within them seeds of new
beginnings. It can be used for banishing negativity, for leaving behind old sorrows
and redundant relationships; for acknowledging grief, for rituals of partings, for
breaking hexes and for psychic protection. Some people do not like using black
candles because of their associations with black magick. If you feel that these
associations are too strong for you, substitute dark blue, dark purple or brown
candles in rituals.
In a positive sense, black, like brown, is a colour of acceptance, whether of a
restriction or of the frailties of self and others, and so it is a candle colour of
Black candles are best used on Saturday.
Silver is the colour of the Moon and all lunar goddesses such as Diana, the Roman
counterpart of Artemis, who, because of her strong association with the Moon in all
its phases, was a goddess of fertility as well as love.
It is also used on some altars to represent the Goddess, with a gold candle for the
Horned God. Silver is potent in all forms of divination, but especially for candle
divination, for awakening clairvoyant powers, telepathic and psychometric
abilities, astral projection, for rituals to invoke anima (female) power, for
intuition and mysticism. It represents dreams, visions and a desire for fulfilment
beyond the material world.
In times of stress and sorrow, silver candles can remove negativity, promote inner
stability and bring to the fore your hidden potential. Silver candles are excellent
for scrying, especially by the full moon, and for all magick involving the female
life and for female fertility.
Silver candles are best used on a Monday.
Gold is the colour of the Sun and is associated with the solar deities, for
example, the Egyptian Ra. In Ancient Greece, Helios, the Sun God, was worshipped
each dawn as he emerged in the East and drove his chariot of winged horses around
the Sky before plunging into the ocean in the West at sunset.
Gold is potent for worldly achievement, wealth and recognition, for long life,
ambitious schemes and money-making rituals that require an instant or substantial
return. The colour of male potency and fertility, it represents animus (male)
power, energy and change and all rituals with noble or altruistic purpose.
Gold is best used on a Sunday.
Using Colour In Rituals
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You can also use coloured candles as a focus for wishes in a particular area of
experience represented by the colour. So you might write a wish for a better memory
on yellow paper and burn it in a yellow candle, the colour of Mercury. You could
then collect the ash in a heatproof ceramic pot or metal bowl beneath the candle
and scatter it to the four winds. For banishing an injustice, you might write about
the event on dark blue paper, burn it in the blue candle of Jupiter and bury the
Around the home, different coloured candles can be burned for different purposes.
Scented candles can also amplify the colour energies. See pages 128 and 139 for the
meanings of different perfumes.
A Block And White Candle Ritual
This is a ritual for a new beginning after sorrow or loss. You can carry out this
ritual for yourself or someone you know who is grieving or unhappy after a
betrayal. It is especially healing if you are feeling angry over unjust or cruel
treatment, because it can stop any guilt, blame or pain turning inwards and slowing
the healing process. You may need to repeat the experience many times. This is an
essentially private ritual, but if you are doing it on behalf of someone else, then
you might like to invite them to share the experience.
The best time to use this magick is towards the end of the waning moon cycle, late
in the evening before the Moon has risen.
* Take a small black candle and a large white one and place them side by side in
your cauldron, on a metal tray or in a sand-filled, heatproof bowl.
* On the black candle, etch a symbol or word to represent your sorrow or anger [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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