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her daughter, and she gave herself a firm warning not to take the big step into lesbian incest.
Chapter 7
That evening, Adam took Mary and her daughter to visit his children. Emily, his fifteen-year-old
daughter, and Dean, her twelve-year-old brother, seemed to be well-brought-up children and greeted
their guests politely, if not too warmly. Mary sensed that there was some resentment in the girl, and that
it was aimed in her direction.
"I'm sure you're right, darling," Adam told her later, as they talked over drinks in the kitchen while the
children talked and watched television in the living room, "but she'll soon get over it."
"I'll help her all I can, Adam. I understand just how she feels. After the death of her mother, she became,
in a sense, the woman in your life. Now I come along and challenge her. It's only natural she'd resent me,
at least in the beginning."
"With that kind of understanding, dear, I'm sure you're going to make out just fine with her."
"Thanks for the high opinion, dear, but I'm not sure I deserve it," Mary said, then knew she had to tell
about her session with her daughter that afternoon and her almost overpowering desire to go down on
When she told him she had to talk to him, they agreed to go to her house where they could be alone.
They told the children they would be gone an hour or so, then they drove to Mary's house.
Mary poured tall drinks for them, and they went into the living room where she told him everything that
had happened that afternoon, leaving out nothing, not even her desire to go down on her own daughter
and suck her cunt.
"You truly are an amazing woman, my darling," he told her, "but you don't need to worry about your
desire for her. Until I met you, I was quietly lusting after Emily's pretty young body. It would have been
only a matter of time before I fucked her."
"So it would have been incest, but at least it would have been a male-female relationship, not a
homosexual one. I can't understand it, Adam. My sex life's better now than it ever was. Why should
this happen to me?"
"The answer to that is easy, dear. Sexuality tends to breed sexuality."
"Like the more you get the more you want?" Mary asked.
"Yes. You've discovered the joys of cunt-lapping and cocksucking, so now you want more. You want
to try other, different things-things like sucking Sharon's little tits and her cunt. That isn't strange at all."
"But doesn't that make me a lesbian?"
"Not at all. Society builds fences and applies names, labels. It tells us what we may or may not do. I say
the labels and rules society imposes are against human nature. Who's to say you shouldn't make love
with Sharon?"
"Then you don't feel that incest is wrong?"
"That's right-or homosexuality, either. I've never sucked a cock, but I've had mine sucked by men a few
times. As it happened, I enjoyed it very much."
"Oh, I'd love to have seen that, but I don't want to change the subject. Please tell me more. I want to be
"In that case," Adam told her and put a hand under the hem of her dress to fondle a firm thigh, "I'll try my
best to convince you."
"You have very convincing hands, darling," she told him with a little sigh as the hand moved higher; then
she raised her ass off the couch, and he pushed the hem of her dress up high, feasting his eyes on her
lush thighs.
Adam talked to her of human nature, of love and of human desires. He returned to the theme of society
and churches having distorted human nature by damning human acts which were basically acts of love.
"The same group glorifies war and killing, yet they condemn love. Just how rational is that?"
"I have to admit that your logic sounds much better. You wouldn't be horrified then if I told you I made
love to my own daughter, that I sucked her cunt?"
"On the contrary, I'd be so excited you'd get your cunt well sucked and fucked. As a matter of fact, I
think I've talked myself into something while I was at it."
"Yes. I saw her in her bra and panties a couple of days ago and I almost shot off in my pants. She's
really ready to get fucked, whether she knows it or not. It could make you jealous, though. If you tell me
not to, I promise I won't touch her. If it doesn't matter to you, then my darling daughter is going to get
fucked. Hell, she's going to get laid sooner or later by some boy, and he'll probably do a lousy job.
Since I'm her father and I love her and know what fucking is, I can show her how beautiful it is and help
her enjoy the real thing."
"Of course I wouldn't be jealous, darling. How could I? In fact, I'd love to hear all about it. I want you
to tell me all the details. Will you?"
"Of course. And you'll tell me all the details? I mean after you've seduced Sharon and lapped that tender
young cunt of hers?" [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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