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got a map of town posted on the wall, split into nine sectors. I d appreciate it if you d
sign up for a given sector, on a given night, so we don t all congregate in the same area.
 I ve got a cell phone. You ll be given a cell phone with my number programmed
into it. You re to call me if you see any supes that look out of place. I d rather the
hunters do the actual apprehension. Any questions?
 Are these rogues from our society? I didn t catch who asked that question.
 I don t believe so. Things indicate they re from a society on the east coast.
 Do you have anything for us to scent off of? a guy that resembled a mole asked.
Weremoles? Why would you bother?
I leaned over and asked Dade,  Is that guy a mole?
He squinted at me.  Shush, he said and turned his attention back to the discussion.
I only half listened to it, wondering why I didn t smell anyone around me. I mean, I
liked Dade s smell, a little spice, a little musk, a lot of male and though I knew it was
uniquely Dade s, I didn t smell him from across the room or anything. I leaned closer to
Dade and sniffed him. I was sniffing him and thinking about sniffing the guy on my
other side when Dade leaned over, his lips brushing the side of my face,  You re giving
me a hard-on.
I tried to tune back in to the discussion, but frankly, it bored the hell out of me. I
spent my time checking out the other people in the room.
They started getting up and moving about. A beautiful, willowy blonde took a seat
at a table next to the map. Albert was standing next to her, behind the table, checking
cell phones. He smiled at something the woman said and touched her shoulder with an
easy grace. A dull stab of jealousy shot through me.
 Let s go sign up for some duty, love, I wrenched my attention back to Dade. I
stood and Dade placed his hand on the small of my back to guide me across the room.
 Dade, Kris, I don t believe you ve met Aliselle. Albert placed his hand on the
beauty s back.
Lisa Andel
Aliselle glanced at me then let her eyes linger on Dade. I felt myself tense as she
scanned him from head to groin. I couldn t help myself, I looked at Dade s groin too.
Albert laughed.
Dade and I signed up for three nights each week in three different sectors, for the
next month.
Albert handed Dade a cell phone. I waited for Albert to give me one too, but Dade
guided me away from the table.
 Hey, where s my cell phone? I looked back toward Albert.
 You don t need one, Dade informed me.
 You think I m going to let you out of my sight on this mission?
Dade, the outraged male protector.
 Oh. So sue me, it really turned me on when Dade got all alpha male on me.
We spent an hour socializing with the group. The men tended to discuss strategies,
the women tended to discuss the men.
I saw Mick talking to Wayne, the two men casting glances in my direction. Mick s
wicked smile leaving no doubt what they were talking about.
I met the mole man. His name was Urud and he looked even more like a mole close
up. I almost asked. When Urud wandered off, I looked at Dade.
 His people make good spies.
I thought of James Bond and the guy in the Bourne movies. Then mole guy. What
did I know? I couldn t even smell anyone.
Dade and I flashed home. No visitors, welcome or otherwise, awaited us. Dade
went to the kitchen and stood looking in the fridge. I came up behind him and started
sniffing his neck.
He slammed the door shut, threw me over his shoulder.  I just figured out what I m
hungry for, he told me as he carried me to bed.
* * * * *
The next morning brought news of another incident with a mortal. A young woman
was brought into the emergency room, bite marks on her neck, breasts and thighs.
When she regained consciousness, she started yelling,  That s it, oh god, that feels so
good, and something about an inhumanly long tongue.
Fortunately, there were supes on the staff. They d take care of her mind, but the
police had already been involved so there d be a record of the incident.
Albert popped in around noon. Dade was back in his office with a couple of his
brothers. Before Albert had a chance to join them, I cornered him.
 So what s up with Aliselle? Damn. I was mated to the sexiest man on the planet,
but I still felt that Albert was mine.
Her Werewolf
 She s a distraction, love. Albert s eyes glistened with humor.  You are, after all,
 Yeah, I know, I grumped.
Albert took a few steps toward the study, then turned back to me.
 My heart will always be yours.
His words pierced my heart. Someday, maybe, I d learn to keep my big mouth shut.
I watched Albert s back until it disappeared into Dade s office.
Then I busied myself in the kitchen making lunch.
More people arrived, others left. I set up a buffet-type spread on the kitchen
counter. Then headed upstairs to my studio.
I had trouble concentrating on my work. Then I remembered that I hadn t devised a
communicator for Dade and myself. I decided to add a locator function to the spell. Just
in case.
It was late afternoon when I wandered back downstairs. Several men were gathered
around the kitchen table, eating and drinking. More were out on the back deck. Chase
was manning the grill, the smell of cooking beef and chicken scenting the air.
Dade s expression brightened when he saw me. He gathered me in his arms and
kissed me thoroughly. Yum.
 Save some time for me before we have to go out tonight, I told him.
 I d planned on it, he grinned at me.
 There s a spell I want to cast, wolf boy!
 You turn me on when you talk to me that way. He squeezed my ass and I
At five thirty, the house still crawling with people, Dade led me off to our bedroom.
 So what s this spell? he asked me as he pulled my sweater over my head.
 You spoke to me telepathically when those wolves were here. Can we
communicate that way no matter how far apart we are?
 The longer we re together, the farther our range. Right now, speaking to you when
you re in the same room with me is about it.
 Then I ve decided to use our rings for the communicators, I explained to him.
 Twist the ring to initiate a call. The ring will vibrate to indicate the call coming in.
Twist the ring to answer it. We ll talk to each other telepathically. Another twist to hang
up. I m also going to include a locator function as a safeguard.
He thought about it for a moment, then agreed to give it a try.
I took his left hand in mine and pressed our rings together. His right hand went to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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