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ÿþP90x Classic, P90x Doubles, P90x Lean Workout
Your copy of the full P90X lean workout schedule is on the next page.
First, though&
Here at http://honestworkoutreviews.com we aim to provide useful
information and honest reviews.
If you are considering buying P90X&
We'd greatly appreciate if you purchase from the official Beachbody site
through the link below (or any link on our site). If you feel we have provided
value to you in any way, helped you grow and achieve your goals, then we'd be
grateful if you bought P90X through our site.
When you click this link below, it will take you directly to the Beachbody
official site. Remember, ONLY from the official site will you get the bonus
nutrition guide, fitness guide, calendar and online support from Tony Horton
himself and a fantastic peer network.
>>Buy P90X + Bonuses From Beachbody.com
I've seen too many people get burnt out from buying illegal copies from pirate
They get no customer support. All they receive are the DVDs in a box, and they
often don't even work!
I've even heard this happening from Amazon.com sellers, so be careful.
-Joe and the team
Weeks 1 - 8
(weeks 9-13 on the next page)
Weeks 9 - 13
That's it! Your P90X lean workout schedule, alongside the classic and doubles
Remember  the lean workout is an easier version of the classic workout. It
does not mean that you will get a 'leaner' body.
For the absolute best results, classic is the way to go.
For a great cardio workout that's a little easier going, try the lean workout.
There are no plyometrics in the lean workout.
It's all down to your preference. Have a great workout, best of luck and be sure
to come back and visit!
http://honestworkoutreviews.com [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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