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character s personality person narrator
counterpart a character who has a similar linear in a straight line, starting at
and an equally important role the beginning and working
through the events in
develop used to describe progress in
the plot, in the description of a
character or in the exploration main plot see plot
of a theme.
Macmillan Readers 9
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� Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008. Published by Macmillan Heinemann ELT. Heinemann is a registered trademark of Harcourt Education, used under licence.
Writing an Essay Key Concepts and Literary Terms
main characters see characters told at the same time as the
main plot
mechanics the mechanics of the plot are
the small details of the events point of view the position from which a
and actions story is told, the  eyes through
which we see and understand
metaphor an expression which describes
the story
one thing as if it was another
thing (i.e. he was a hungry protagonist see main character
wolf) see also simile
psychological the way a character s
minor characters see characters development personality changes
motivation the reason why someone does race ahead move forward very quickly.
realistic describing things as they are in
narrator the person who tells the story real life
third person a narrator who sees the story recurring themes see theme
narrator from outside and who can see
reliable someone you can trust
into the minds and hearts of all
resolution the end of a conflict (see
the characters, as well as see all
conflict), often comes at the
the action that takes place
end of the novel retell
first person narrator a narrator who tells the story
to tell a story another person
in the first person i.e. using I
has told you
and me not he or she, to talk
reverse chronology starting at the end and going
about the main character.
backwards in time
limited third a narrator who uses the third
saga a story told about two or more
person narrator person, he or she to talk about
generations of the same family
the main character, but whose
view of the action and the
satire a style which criticises a person,
other people involved in the
event or part of society by
plot is limited to the main
making it look funny or stupid
shift (n) a change in style or in pace
third person a narrator who speaks in the
simile an expression which describes
narrator third person using he or she
someone or something by
or they to talk about all the
comparing it to someone or
something else using like or
pace the speed at which the story is
as (eg, he was as hungry as a
personality traits details about a person s
story-teller a person who tells a story
personality eg, proud,
style the way the novel is written
intelligent, silly, obsessed by
sub plots see plot
physical features details about a person s body
symbol a person or an object that
and face, for example, dark
represents a particular quality
hair, blue eyes, a scar on his
or idea
face or a wooden leg.
symbolise to be a symbol of something
plot the story told by the novel
symbolism the use of symbols
main plot the most important story told
theme a topic that is discussed in
in the novel
sub plots stories in the novel that are
central theme the most important theme
Macmillan Readers 10
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� Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008. Published by Macmillan Heinemann ELT. Heinemann is a registered trademark of Harcourt Education, used under licence.
Writing an Essay Key Concepts and Literary Terms
common themes themes that are often
discussed in literature
recurring themes themes that are repeatedly
discussed by the same novelist
third person see narrator
timeframe the length of time the story
two-dimensional not described in detail
vivid very clear and detailed
Macmillan Readers 11
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� Macmillan Publishers Limited 2008. Published by Macmillan Heinemann ELT. Heinemann is a registered trademark of Harcourt Education, used under licence. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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