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"See? I will not let it trouble me." She would confess it to Rajasta, of course; he could help her bear it,
help her to learn to live with this shameful thought but no word or breath of this should ever reach
Micon's ear. Dry-eyed now, she looked into Elis's eyes and said softly, "But warn Arvath to guard his
tongue; the penalty for slander is not light!"
"So I have reminded him already," Elis murmured; then looked away from Domaris, biting her lip.
"But if he is too cruel or if he makes a scene which embarrasses you ask one question of him." She
paused, drawing breath, as if afraid of what she was about to say. "Ask Arvath why he left me to throw
myself on Chedan's mercy, to face the Vested Five alone, lest my Lissa be born one of theno people. "
In shocked silence, Domaris slowly took Elis's hand and pressed it. SoArvath was Lissa's father! That
explained many things; his insane jealousy was rooted deep in guilt. Only the feet that everyone knew for
a certainty that Chedan had not truly fathered Elis's child had allowed him to honorably acknowledge the
child and even so, it could not have been an easy decision for him to have made. And that Arvath had
let this happen!
"Elis, I never guessed!"
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Elis smiled ever so slightly. "I made sure you would not," she said coolly.
"You should have told me," Domaris murmured distractedly. "Perhaps I could have "
Elis stood up to move restlessly about the room. "No, you could have done nothing. There was no need
to involve you. Actually, I'm almost sorry I told you now! After all, you will have to marry the the
worthless fool, someday!" There was wrath and shadowy regret in Elis's eyes, and Domaris said no
more. Elis had confided in her, she had given Domaris a powerful weapon which might, one day, serve to
protect her child against Arvath's jealousy but that gave Domaris no right to pry.
Nevertheless, she could not help wishing that she had known of this before. At one time, she had had
influence enough with Arvath that she could have persuaded him to accept his responsibility. Elis had
humiliated herself to give her child caste and Chedan had not been pleasant about the matter, for they
had risked much.
Domaris knew herself well enough to realize that only the greatest extremity could bring her to use this
powerful weapon against Arvath's malice. But her new understanding of his underlying cowardice helped
her to regain her perspective in the matter.
They talked of other things, until Elis clapped her hands softly and Simila brought Lissa to her. The child
was now past two, and beginning to talk; in fact, she chattered and babbled incessantly, and at last Elis
gave her a tiny exasperated shake. "Hush, mistress tongue-loose," she admonished, and told Domaris
acidly, "What a nuisance she is!"
Domaris was not fooled, however, noting the tenderness with which Elis handled the tiny girl. A vagrant
thought came to trouble her: did Elis still love Arvath? After all that had happened, it seemed extremely
unlikely but there was, beyond any imaginable denial, an unbreakable bond between them . . . and
always would be.
Smiling, Domaris held out her arms to Lissa. "She grows more like you every day, Elis," she murmured,
taking the little girl up and holding the small, wriggling, giggling body to her breast.
"I hope she is a finer woman," Elis retorted, half speaking to herself.
"She could not be more understanding," said Domaris, and released the heavy child, smiling tiredly.
Leaning back, with a gesture now familiar, Domaris pressed one hand against her body.
"Ah, Domaris!" With an excess of tenderness, Elis caught Lissa to her. "Nowyou know!"
And Domaris bowed her head before the dawning knowledge.
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All through the quiet hours of the night Rajasta sat beside Micon, rarely leaving his side for more than the
briefest moment. The Atlantean slept fitfully, twitching and muttering in his native tongue as if the pains
that sleep could ease were only replaced with other pains, deeper and less susceptible of treatment, a
residue of anguish that gnawed its way deeper into Micon's tortured spirit with every passing moment.
The pallor of false dawn was stealing across the sky when Micon moved slightly and said in a low,
hoarse voice, "Rajasta "
The Priest of Light bent close to him. "I am here, my brother."
Micon struggled to raise himself, but could not summon the strength. "What hour is it?"
"Shortly before dawn. Lie still, my brother, and rest!"
"I must speak " Micon's voice, husky and weak as it was, had a resoluteness which Rajasta
recognized, and would brook no argument. "As you love me, Rajasta, stop me not. Bring Deoris to me."
"Deoris?" For a moment Rajasta wondered if his friend's reason had snapped. "At this hour? Why?"
"Because I ask it!" Micon's voice conceded nothing. Rajasta, looking at the stubborn mouth, felt no
desire to argue. He went, after encouraging Micon to lie back, and hoard his strength.
Deoris returned with him after a little delay, bewildered and disbelieving, dressed after a fashion; but
Micon's first words banished her drowsy confusion, for he motioned her close and said, without
preliminaries, "I need your help, little sister. Will you do something for me?"
Hardly hesitating, Deoris replied at once, "Whatever you wish."
Micon had managed to raise himself a little on one elbow, and now turned his face full toward her, with
that expression which gave the effect of keen sight. His face seemed remote and stern as he asked, "Are
you a virgin?"
Rajasta started. "Micon," he began.
"There is more here than you know!" Micon said, with unusual force. "Forgive me if I shock you,but I
must know; I have my reason, be sure of that!"
Before the Atlantean's unexpected vehemence, Rajasta retreated. For her part, Deoris could not have
been more surprised if everyone in the room had turned into marble statuary, or removed their heads to [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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