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fingers and rolled it on his hard cock trapped between their bodies. She lifted up and he grasped her
hips, slowly lowering her onto him inch by inch. When Presley was stuffed full of cock, she locked
her gaze with his.
Fuck me, Sheriff. Her voice was husky and it amped up Seth s arousal even higher. Fucking
Presley was sublime, her tight cunt hugging him. She rode his dick hard, their bodies slapping
together in the close confines of the truck cab.
He could feel the pressure building in his balls, wanted to hold back, but Presley had other ideas.
She leaned forward and bit down on his earlobe as he slammed into her.
Yes, she hissed, her cunt rippling with her own orgasm, her body quivering. He couldn t hold
back any longer, his own climax coming over him like a tidal wave. She tucked her head between his
neck and shoulder as her shuddering subsided and his breathing grew more normal. He pulled her
head back by her hair and grinned.
Woman, I haven t had sex in my truck since I was in high school.
Then you were long past due. I knew I could get you to smile. She grinned right back at him.
This is a pretty comfy truck. I wouldn t mind doing it in here every now and then.
Instantly, his mind conjured up a vision of Presley riding shotgun naked as the day she was born.
He groaned and shook his head to clear his brain.
You re trouble. I am a man in trouble. But he liked it, if he were honest.
She lifted herself off of him, wincing as she did so.
Shit, did I hurt you, honey? He was so much bigger and stronger than she was. Seth needed to
be more careful. Presley was such a little thing.
No. she shook her head. Just a little sore, that s all.
Now he really felt guilty.
She pushed at his shoulder. From horseback riding, you pervert. Not riding you. Although the
way we go at it, it wouldn t be surprising. You re a horny devil. She waggled her eyebrows as she
pulled up her panties and hunted for her bra in their pile of discarded clothes.
The decision to make love had always seemed mutual, but perhaps Presley felt pressure to fulfill
what he knew was a strong sexual appetite. A sexual appetite that had only grown sharper since
meeting this woman. Before her, he d gone several months in between women without much thought
about it.
He shifted in the seat, tugging on his boxers and jeans. I guess I am. He couldn t meet her eyes.
She grabbed his shirt right out of his hands, holding it like a game of keep-away . For the
record, I wasn t complaining. I like that you want me all the time. I want you the same way.
He breathed a little easier and motioned for his shirt. I was worried for a minute you might feel,
you know, pressured.
An eyebrow arched. Do you honestly think you could pressure me into having sex with you, Seth
Reilly? Really?
It did sound absurd. She had him chasing his tail on a pretty much daily basis. There was no
doubt Presley Lawson was a woman to be reckoned with. Seth reckoned with her on a regular basis.
No, honey, probably not. I just needed to be sure.
She buttoned up her pants and found her bra wedged under the seat. Then be sure to feed me
afterward. I m hungry, Sheriff.
He finished dressing and put the truck into gear. I won t let you starve, honey. Breakfast coming
He headed into town feeling better than he ever had after a hunting trip and he didn t even have a
* * * * *
Presley patted her stomach, now pleasantly full of pancakes and sausage. The pancakes she d
ordered from the smiling waitress in the diner. The sausage was stolen from Seth s plate. She was
enjoying her third cup of coffee when Seth s phone started buzzing on the table. He put down his
forkful of hash browns and picked up the phone.
Um, yeah, I can talk. Just let me get to a quieter spot.
Seth gave her an apologetic look and headed out the back door of the diner into the alley. The
diner was busy and loud this Monday morning. Despite the snow and the cold, Harper was bustling
with activity. Thanksgiving was this week and everyone was shopping and decorating. Seth told her
it was easier to shop and prepare for Christmas now when the weather wasn t too bad than in a week
or two when the snow and cold were worse. Presley had pointed to her laptop on the desk and
replied she knew how to shop when the weather was poor. As for decorations, she was looking
forward to putting up a small tree in her apartment and helping Seth decorate his home. She spent
most of her time there anyway.
Trask came in the door of the diner and spotted her. He waved as he ordered his coffee at the
counter before coming over to greet her. She d grown quite fond of him. He had a sweet, old-
fashioned way about him that always made her smile. He was also an incurable romantic, constantly
hinting to her about how happy Seth looked these days. The whole town had turned into matchmakers,
giving her and Seth indulgent smiles when they would walk down Main Street hand in hand or share a
plate of fries at the barbecue joint. She felt like they were the reality television for this town.
Hey, Presley. Where s Seth?
Presley nodded to the back door. He had to take a call and it s pretty loud in here. What brings
you to town today?
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