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Tetragrammaton! 'Ah, Lord Tetragrammaton! behold, I cannot speak, for I am a child.'
351. "Therefore, why was it that Jeremiah could not speak, seeing that many sayings had passed from his lips
prior to his saying this? Did he not therefore he (when he said) that which is written ( in the text): 'Behold, I
cannot DBR, Deber, speak'?
352. "But we have learned that God influenced him so that he should speak to this end. For this is the
tradition: "What is the difference between DBVR, Debur, and AMIRH, Amirah? 'Amirah' is, as it were
(simple) speech, wherein is required no especial uplifting of the voice; 'Debur' is public speaking, wherein is
indeed necessary (considerable) elevation of voice and (loud) proclamation of words.
353. "Since it is written, Exod. xx, i: 'And God spake all these words, saying.'
354. "And according to what we have learned (by tradition), 'The whole earth heard this DBVR, Debur,
speech, and the whole earth trembled.' Because also it is written 'VIDBR, Vayedeber, and He spoke forth.'
And it is not written: 'VIAMR, Vayomar, and He said.'
355. "So also in this place: 'Behold! I cannot speak, DBR, Deber ;' that is, as a herald, by declaring an
address, and convincing the world through the Holy Spirit.
356. "If thus be the matter, this is also to be noted which is written: 'VIDBR IHVH, Vayedeber
Tetragrammaton; and Tetragrammaton spake forth unto Moses, saying.' Nevertheless, what one of the
prophets was so great as Moses? For never was any man so worthy as he; for he heard the DBVR, Debur,
loud voice, like the proclamation of a herald, and he feared not, neither did he tremble; while the other
prophets trembled even at AMIRH, Amirah, the speech, and were greatly afraid.
357. "Also we have learned that through the first and second dispositions of the beard it is necessary to pass
on to the third; like as it is written, Job xxxiii. 29: 'Behold, God worketh all this with man by three paths.'
358. "And come, behold! it is necessary through the two first conformations that thou pass on unto the third,
because the third form is in the midst.
359. "For, under the nose, beneath the two nostrils, there issueth a certain path, and from that path the hairs
are wanting.
360. "Wherefore are they wanting? Because it is written, Mic. vii. 18: 'VOVBR OL PShO, Va-Ghober Ghal
Peshang, and passing over transgression.' Therefore is that path prepared (namely) for the purpose of passing
over (transgression).
361. "And therefore that path resideth beneath the nostrils of the nose; and the hairs do not grow in that path,
because it subdueth iniquities.
362. "For it is written: 'Passing over transgression,' for the purpose of passing over unto the sacred mouth, in
order that it may say, 'I HAVE PARDONED.' 363. "We have learned that many threatened vials of wrath
look for this mouth, and to none among them is it manifested; for it is withdrawn and guarded around; it is
known, and it is not known.
364. "We have learned in the 'Book of Concealed Mystery': What is this which is written (in this disposition
of the letters in this ) word, PShO, Peshang? If they be first, the word 'OVBR, Ghober, passing over,' hath
place; if, on the other hand, not so, the word 'PShO, Peshang, transgression,' hath place.
365. "What doth this phrase teach, 'passing over transgression'? ShPO, Shephau, influence, (it teacheth) if Sh
(in PShO ), be placed before the P.
366. "If they are not just, it remaineth (i.e., the influence), and passeth not over into Microprosopus.
367. "What is the difference between the one and the other? In Microprosopus (the matter standeth thus): this
path descendeth beneath the nostrils of His nose. It is written, Num. xii. 9: 'And the anger of Tetragrammaton
was kindled against him, and He departed.'
368. "What is this, 'And He departed'? Because the spirit of anger departed from those nostrils, and if he.
found any man before him, he was taken away, and was no more found.
369. "Which is intimated in these words, Isa. xl. 7: 'Because the Spirit of Tetragrammaton bloweth upon it.'
370. "But concerning Macroprosopus, it is written: 'Passing over transgression.'
37. "Also it is written, Job xxxvii. 21: 'And the spirit (wind) passeth over and hath cleansed them.'
372. "Also we have learned that on this account it is thus written: 'Passing over transgression' in that path.
Also concerning that ( passage), Exod. xii. 23: 'And He passeth over to smite the Egyptians.'
373. "Blessed is his portion who is worthy in this matter. And this is the third conformation of the path of the
venerable, holy, and excellent beard of the Ancient of the Ancient Ones."
374. Rabbi Schimeon said unto him: "May God, the Holy One, blessed be He, be gracious unto thee, and
protect thee most abundantly.
375. "Also we have learned: What is this which is written, 'With rejoicing will I rejoice in Tetragrammaton?'
Concerning the Ancient of Days, is it said: 'For He is the praise of all things.'
376. "We have learned, whensoever that path of the beard of the Ancient of Days is manifested, all the
authors of lamentation and mourning, and all the executors of judgment, are silent and hidden; nor is there
one of them who openeth his mouth to do harm, because that path is manifested in due form.
377 "Hence also he who toucheth that mouth, and adviseth it to keep silence, pointeth out this path with his
finger; and that is the symbol denoting the Holy Ancient One." (Others read: Because that path is the symbol
of silence; hence he who looked at another, and adviseth him to be silent, toucheth this path, which is the
symbol, &c.)
378. THE hair is disposed in the fourth conformation, and it descendeth beneath the mouth from the one side
even unto the other side.
379. That is intimated (in the saying of Micah) in these words: "Of the remnant of his heritage:" LShAIRITh
NChLThV, Lishairith Nachalatho.
380. Like as it is said in 2 Kings xix. 4: "And thou shalt lift up thy prayer for the remnant that is left." Where
every part that is found truly remaining is called the remnant.
381. For it is written, Zeph. iii. 13: "The remnant of Israel, ShARITh IShRAL, Sharith Israel, shall not do
382. THE fifth conformation. Another path goeth forth beneath the mouth. This is that which is written in the
saying of Micah: "LA HChZIQ LOD APV, Lo Hecheziq Lead Apo, He hath not kept his anger for ever."
"Arise Rabbi Yosi!"
383. Rabbi Yosi arose, and commencing said, Ps. cxliv. 15: "'Blessed is the people that is in such a case;
blessed is the people whose God is Tetragrammaton.'
384. "'Blessed is the people that is in such a case.' What is this 'ShKKH LV, Shekakah Lo, That is in such a
case?' Like as it is said in Est. vii. 10: 'And the wrath of the king was appeased,' ShKKH, Shekakah; that is,
'Became quiet from his wrathfulness.'
385. "Another exposition: He was appeased through his wrath, which is intimated in these words, Num. xi.
15: 'And if Thou dealest thus with me, kill me, I pray Thee, out of hand, if I have found grace in Thy sight.' [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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