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iPhone cases, earphones, USB cables
iPhone cases, earphones, USB cables
iPhone cases, earphones, USB cables
On Amazon, these items go for around $5-$10. You can get these same items on eBay
for 0.99. So if you list yours for $7.00 and sell it for 0.99 you can make 6.01. (6.01 X 20) =
120.2. You would have only used $20 at this point. Now take that money and invest it in
bigger items, such as those mentioned in the Golden List. To make this process go by even
So I m about to tell you one of the most powerful methods to implement with this
system. Once again, simple but many people don t use it. Instead of buying from eBay and
selling on Amazon, you can buy from other vendors and sell on eBay. Similar to the main
guide, you never have to hold/possess any of the items. How do you do this? Go to
Adorama.com, TigerDirect.com or NewEgg.com; these sites have some of the BEST deals I
have seen in my life!! So what do you do? You search eBay for some popular items using the
search settings listed in the main guide (Page 13). However, use Price + Shipping: Highest
Price + Shipping: Highest
Price + Shipping: Highest
Price + Shipping: Highest
First and look for items that have high amounts of items sold. The listing will say (# Sold) next
to the quantity. Once you have found an item with at least 10 sales you have found the
perfect item. Go on the sale sites, mentioned before and look for these same items. List then
on eBay for about $10-$15 less and watch the sales come in! NewEgg s  Electronics
Featured Items area has over 10 items with a $30-$50 price gap. Now just reverse the main
method and instead of buying from eBay and selling on Amazon, you sell on eBay. When you
make the sale go to the sale sites and use the eBay customers shipping info. I ve included a
brief list of the items with the greatest price gaps. Some items with the greatest price gaps
are Nikon and Canon DSLR Cameras, Nikon and Canon Point and Shoot Cameras, Tablets,
Kindles. Also, monitor the sale sites and wait for some big promotions/discounts.
Now just repeat the cycle each time for each item until you ve made enough to start
your own Amazon.com site :&. Be sure to check the attached PDF to get the Golden List of
best products to sell! Good luck!
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