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 I can t believe you dyed it blonde, he murmured.
 All part of my cover. It s also easier than keeping it shaved, she replied with a naughty
 I like the new hairdo, but I ll admit, I preferred the original.
 Then perhaps it s time I went back to being a brunette. With my cover blown, there s no
reason why I can t.
There she was again, implying that his wishes mattered. Could it be she was changing her
mind about the two of them staying together? Did he dare hope?
He d worry about it later. With the sensual feast spread before him, he had more important
things to attend to, such as bringing her so much pleasure she d never even want to look at another
male again.
Suddenly impatient, he covered her body with his, her softer, toned frame the perfect
complement to his sleek lines. He shuddered at the skin-to-skin contact, savoring it. Never mind he d
touched and explored her during their trip out to the military ship. Now, things were different. Now,
he could see the possibility of a future. Something in her had changed. I do believe she s ready to
stop fighting and to try again. Which meant she sought to control. Theirs ever had been a war of who
would prevail. Her arms twined around his neck, her fingers laced through his hair, and she drew his
mouth to hers, engaging him in a passion-filled kiss.
Let her think she called the shots. He d still make her scream first. Maybe twice.
Catching her bottom lip between his teeth, he tugged before sucking it. She squirmed under
him, hips grinding and pressing her moist sex against his cock, which was trapped between their
 So impatient, he murmured against her mouth as he untangled her arms from around his neck
and pushed them over her head. Wanting to dominate the situation or not, she moaned at his
manhandling. In public, she might act tough and bitchy, but when naked in his arms, she liked it when
he used his superior strength against her.
Anchoring her hands with one of his, which she could have broken free of but didn t, he went
exploring. His lips traveled the sensitive skin of her neck down to the valley between her breasts. He
buried his face, inhaling the unique scent that was hers alone. With his one free hand, he cupped a
firm globe, squeezing it until she moaned. Leaving the heavenly valley, he shifted his head to latch on
to her protruding nipple. With the hard nub caught between his lips, he sucked and swirled his tongue
around the engorged tip, delighting in the way she writhed and mewled.
And people thought cyborgs didn t feel. He begged to differ. Cyborgs felt all too much, when
they chose.
Even the simplest of acts, like him blowing on the wet nub, had her gasping and arching her
upper body. So fucking beautiful.
But it seemed wrong to lavish all of his attention on just the one berry. He switched over to
the other nipple, giving it the same passionate attention. Back and forth he played, an enjoyable game
of drive his wife nuts, a game he could have easily conducted for hours, but another pleasure zone
awaited him. And, by the way her hips thrust and the way she panted, she was more than ready for
him to switch his focus.
Down her body he slid, his hand still gripping hers, holding her a willing prisoner. He pulled
them from over her head to rest on her stomach to make it easier for him to indulge in his new
Her legs parted, giving him plenty of space to nestle himself and give his lips access to the
most sensitive part of her. Her entire body shuddered as he blew on her sex. How the scent of her
arousal titillated. He wanted to bury his face against her pubes and just breathe her in, savor the
richness of her desire. Instead, he gave her one long lick, letting the taste of her sit on his tongue, an
explosion of flavor that he filed under the term ambrosia.
 Seth. She moaned his name, and a shiver went through him. Experience wasn t something he
lacked, not when it came to women, and yet, no one ever made him feel like Anastasia did. No one
could make him lose control. Make him forget who and what he was. Make him feel alive.
Forget teasing her. It was more like torture, for them both. He let his hunger take over and
feasted on her sweetness. Tasted her sweet pussy. Spread her velvety pink lips and let his tongue
rediscover the wonders of her flesh. [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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