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9. Protokól z posiedzenia Biura Politycznego z dnia 8 war; spent the war in the USSR, where he was member Warsaw. However, Soviet units were reported moving
i 10 X 1956 r., nr. 124, AAN, KC PZPR [CC PUWP], of the UPP and a political officer in the Polish Army. as late as October 23. Smaller, more specialized units,
paczka 15, tom 58, str. 172-174. 1944-48 Secretary of the PWP Central Committee; were brought to Warsaw in secret to protect strategic
10. Nieautoryzowane Wystapienie tow. Wieslawa na 1948-64 member of the PUWP Central Committee; installations. This included officer cadets from the
posiedzeniu Biura Politycznego w dniu 12 pazdziernika 1948-63 member of the PUWP Politburo; 1947-54 and Liaison Officer School in Zegrze, who were stationed
1956 r., AAN, KC PZPR, paczka 12, teczka 46a, str. 1956-63 Secretary of the PUWP; 1947-55 member of on October 19 in the garages on Klonowa street, oppo-
29-36; and Protokól z posiedzenia Biura Politycznego the Council of State; 1955-56 minister of State Control; site the Belvedere Palace. These troops were probably
z dnia 12 X 1956 r., nr. 125, AAN, KC PZPR, paczka 1963-68 vice-president of the Chief Board of Supervi- part of the system set up by Rokossowski to protect the
15, tom 58, str. 187-188. The full text of Gomulka s sion. Accused of revisionism in 1963 and removed Soviet delegation in Warsaw.
presentation to the Politburo on 12 October has been from Party posts; expelled from the PUWP during the For further details on the movement of Soviet
reprinted in an important collection of documents by anti-Jewish and anti-intellectual purges of March 1968. military forces in Poland at this time see Jerzy Poksinski,
Jakub Andrzejewski [Andrzej Paczkowski], ed., 18. I am preparing a complete translation of the Wojsko Polskie w 1956 r. problemy polityczne (1)
Gomulka i inni: Dokumenty z archiwum KC 1948-1982 proceedings of the PUWP s Sixth Plenum of March i (2) [The Polish Army in 1956 Political Problems (1)
[Gomulka and Others: Documents from the CC Ar- 1956 (including Khrushchev s long presentation to the and (2)] (Mimeographed); and Wojskowe aspekty
chives, 1948-1982] [hereafter Gomulka i inni] (Lon- Plenum) for a discussion of Soviet cadre policies in pazdziernika 1956 r. [Military aspects of October 1956]
don: Aneks , 1987), 89-96. Poland from 1954 to 1956. It will be the subject of a Polska Zbrojna [Armed Poland], 203 (18-20 October
11. CPP member before the war; during the war chief forthcoming CWIHP Working Paper. 1991).
of staff of the People s Army. The People s Army was 19. 1915-30 in Russia and the Soviet Union; took part 24. Quotations from the 8th Plenum are taken from the
trained by the Soviets and modelled after the Soviet in the Russian revolution and Civil War; VCP(b) mem- extensive report of the proceedings published in a
partisan brigades. 1945 commander of the Polish mili- ber; 1930 sent to Poland, where he was arrested and special issue of the PUWP s theoretical journal, Nowe
tia; 1945-48 member of the PWP Politburo; 1948-59 sentenced to six years imprisonment; spent World War Drogi [New Roads] 10 (October 1956), 14.
member of the PUWP Central Committee; 1948-56 II in the Soviet Union; 1945-59 member of the PWP and 25. Ibid.
member of the PUWP Politburo and head of the Central PUWP Central Committees; 1948-51 deputy member 26. Ibid., 15-16.
Commission of Party Control; 1955-56 deputy pre- of the PUWP Politburo; 1950-56 PUWP Secretary; 27. Ochab again returned to the Plenum at 6 p.m. on
mier; 1949-52 president of the Chief Board of Supervi- 1951-56 member of the PUWP Politburo; 1957-65 October 19 and presented a brief report to the Central
sion and member of the State Council; 1952-55 minister ambassador to Prague. Committee: I would like to inform you, Comrades,
of State Control. 20. Protokól z posiedzenia Biura Politycznego z dnia that conversations between our Politburo and the Sovi-
12. 1924-38 CPP functionary and Central Committee 17 X 1956 r., nr. 127, AAN, KC PZPR, paczka 12, ets, which were conducted in a forthright manner, have
member from 1932; 1942 arrested by the Nazis and sent teczka 46a, str. 57-65; and Protokól z posiedzenia lasted several hours. They concern the most fundamen-
to a labour camp; 1945 liberated and joined the Soviet Biura Politycznego z dnia 17 X 1956 r., nr. 127, AAN, tal problems of the relations between our countries and
army. Returns to Poland in 1947; PWP Provincial KC PZPR, paczka 15, tom 58, str. 190. our Parties...Since our Soviet comrades unexpectedly
Committee Second Secretary in Poznan then Provincial 21. Protokól z posiedzenia Biura Politycznego z dnia had to take the decision to fly to Warsaw and they are
Committee First Secretary in Katowice; 1947-48 head 18 X 1956 r., nr. 128, AAN, KC PZPR, paczka 15, tom anxious to return as soon as possible, we would like to
of the PWP Central Committee cadres department; 58, str. 192. continue our talks tonight and the Politburo recom-
mends that the Plenum be adjourned till tomorrow eksploatacji rudy uranowej i Zalaczniki, AAN, KC ment). Morawski was to oversee the departments of
morning. Ibid., 16. PZPR paczka 112, tom 26, str. 643-661. Propaganda, Press and Radio, and Culture and Science.
28. Molotov described Rokossowski s appointment 42. See [in Russian] Pismo N. Chruszczowa do Wl. He also gained control of the All-Polish Committee of
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