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forward thrusts, his powerful hips and thighs sending jolts of pleasure through her when their flesh
She was ready to come even before the samurai worked his special magic and rubbed her clit. She was
so close to the edge when he pulled out and flipped her onto her back. He loomed over her, his body
supported by his forearms, his cock poised at her entrance. He slammed back into her as his lips
captured hers in a slow, deep kiss.
Hannah came harder than before and gripped the samurai s shoulders tightly as the desire shook her
through and through. He stiffened, and she felt him spasming within her as he came too. He stayed buried
within her until he began to grow soft. He pulled out and stood, grasping Hannah s hand and pulling her
to her feet.
Sanada reached for the cloth in the bucket he d used before, but Hannah took the cloth from him and
dipped it into the big tub. She squeezed the warm water over his chest then began to swab his tan skin,
fascinated with the planes and angles of his slim, toned body. She began to notice some old scars here
and there and couldn t help but bend down and kiss the larger one that ran across his right hip.
When she finished cleaning him, Hannah knelt and began to clean herself, only to be pleasantly surprised
when the samurai pulled her to her feet and took the cloth from her. Hannah closed her eyes as the man
ran his hands over her, playing her like some master musician played a pianoforte. She grew weak in the
knees all over again when Sanada took the wet cloth and gently pushed it up inside her then pulled it out
oh, so slowly.
 You re gonna wear me out before my time, luv, she said with a chuckle. He gave her a questioning
look, but she waved it off and told him simply in Japanese,  Thank you.
He nodded then climbed into the high, heated tub and held his hand out. Hannah climbed in as well,
loving the way Sanada pulled her onto his lap and wrapped one arm possessively around her as he
leaned his head back and relaxed. Hannah laid her head upon his shoulder and did the same until the
candle in the lantern began to grow dim and Sanada coaxed her off his lap. They dried themselves and
slipped into new robes that were hanging on the wall, then went back inside the house.
Hannah was more than a little disappointed when the samurai escorted her to her own room and left her
there before crossing over to his own room and sliding the door closed firmly behind him. Lying down on
the futon mat, Hannah told herself that it was the incense in the air that was making her eyes water.
Chapter Six
Hannah s eyes were still puffy and sore when the jabbering little maids woke her by barking shrill orders
at her after sunup. The older one poked her head out into the corridor and called to someone out there,
and in a minute another younger girl scurried in with a big paper-wrapped bundle she set on the floor and
began unwrapping.
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 Will you look at that! Hannah exclaimed at the sight of some proper women s clothes -- a corset,
petticoat, crinoline, and the prettiest green dress she ever did see, with all kinds of pretty tucks, little
pearly buttons down the bodice, and snow white lace edging at the collar and cuffs.  Now where d this
come from?
The soft chatter of the maids stopped and Hannah looked up. Sanada-san was there -- all decked out in
what she knew was the samurai s formal attire. Over his usual thick silk, dark kimono, he wore a blue
getup, the hakama pants with a detached stiff upper part that rested over his shoulders and tucked into
his waistband. He looked so damn imposing in it with those swords of his and his long hair all pulled back
 Put it on, he said looking at the dress.  Hurry. We leave soon.
Hannah s breath caught in her throat, and all she could do was stare at the empty doorway after he
strode away. She looked down at the lovely dress and felt a tug deep inside. Was he handing her back to
the English?
 Hurry, hurry, the older maid snapped.
Hannah gave herself over to their aid, finally batting their hands away once she was able to get a hold on
the foolish whims of her heart.
Sanada Katsuhiro walked slowly back and forth along the engawa , dismissing his friend Masato s
concerns with a stern look.
 Listen to reason, Katsu. The woman is stupid and of the lowest class. She will cause more trouble than
good. If the foreigners suspect --
 You d rather they take advantage of the turmoil in the government and do what they did to the
Chinese? There will be no opium plague inJapan .
 But this woman --
 She was a servant, she will be a servant again, and this time she will report what she sees and hears to
 She s one of them . She has no loyalty to you.
 We shall see.
Masato s argument was lost in the morning breeze once the shoji slid open, and Katsu turned to watch
his Hannah-chan step out of the house, the closed-in shoes he d gotten for her held in one hand. She set
them on the engawa, then balanced herself against the wall while slipping each foot into the shoes. That
done, she boldly strode forward to meet him, her eyes alight with a tigress s fierce determination.
Katsu glanced out to the rock garden to divert his thoughts lest he break into an amused smile.
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 All right then, why d you give me these clothes?
 I m returning you to Yokohama , Sanada-san said before shifting back to face her.  Come.
The words were still sinking in when he and that friend of his began to stride away. Hannah rushed to
catch up, telling herself she should be relieved to go back to where she belonged.
Outside the gates to the estate, men on horseback waited. Masato was mounting his horse beside which
Sanada-san s waited, pawing at the ground. There was also a palanquin on the ground with men front
and back to carry it. Hannah looked from the boxlike carriage to the samurai she was reluctant to leave.
 Get in, he said.  Running again is useless.
Hannah took a few steps forward.  I wasn t going to run, she said softly.  I don t want to go.
Masato muttered something, and Sanada shot him sharp look then turned that cold stare on her.  Get in.
His look pushing her into submission, Hannah gathered up her voluminous skirts and obeyed. She
looked out the little door and up at Sanada.  But why? [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]

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